
Unmatched Heavy Construction Services
For All Your Project Needs


Helping to Sustain Our Natural Environment

CCU Coal & Construction takes pride in offering a full range of specialized services tailored to meet the demands of the energy and heavy construction industry. Our capabilities range from reclaiming abandoned mine lands and working on major construction projects, to supplying aggregate and coal to power our nation’s economy.

For over 50 years, CCU has had a long tradition of success, thanks to our commitment to safety, efficiency, and environmental responsibility.

CCU Coal and Construction dozer


Safety First,
Safety Always

We believe that every employee has the right to work in a safe environment, and we are committed to achieving zero harm in all our operations.

We prioritize safety in every aspect of our work and continuously strive to identify and eliminate potential hazards.

People Matter.

At CCU, we believe that people matter. From our employees to our vendors and customers, we understand that everyone plays an essential role in our success and are committed to treating everyone with respect, dignity, and integrity.


As a company that relies on natural resources, we understand the importance of preserving the environment. We believe that responsible environmental stewardship is essential to our long-term success as a company.

Ready to Contact CCU?

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